Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Is soaking wood pellets in glycerin a good idea?

It have been a while since I posted something. Let's have a literature update.
Today, I read a article that comes in my Google Scholar Alert. Article link here:  http://www.ijens.org/Vol_14_I_02/141102-8383%20IJMME-IJENS.pdf
A group of researchers from Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada decided to try crude glycerin on wood pellets. The results? mmhmm, not bad..?

Glycerin is a by-product from biodiesel production. Researchers have been trying to figure out more ways of using this glycerin by-product because this crude glycerin is expensive to purify for use in the food, pharmaceutical, or cosmetics industries. Thus, biodiesel producers must seek alternative methods for its disposal or value-added uses.

So, soaking wood pellets with glycerin to increase its calorific value might be a good idea. This is exactly what the group of Canadian researchers did.
Taken from www.srsbiodiesel.com
The test results on the pellet durability, percent fines and bulk density were not very good, i.e. soaking pellets in glycerin greatly decrease pellet durability (from average 96% for pure pellets to average 70% after soaked) and increase percent fines from average 0.05% for pure pellets to 5% after soaked). Bulk density decreased from 675 kg/m3 to 550 kg/m3.

It is not all bad news. The gross calorific values did increase and the emissions of NOx and CO2 decreased as a result of the addition of glycerin. However, the emission of CO increased, implying that the combustion of glycerin soaked pellets is less complete compared to combustion of pure pellets.

One type of pellets (pellet type C) performs better than other two. The researchers concluded that the producer of pellet type C should try glycerin on their pellets and. 

Personally, I think addition of glycerin might not be a good idea, as it increases the control parameters in the wood pellets production, and at the same time, results in poorer quality wood pellets, in terms of durability, percent fines and bulk density.

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